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Arsenio Escolar
Desde hace años, por entretenimiento profesional, cuento algunos días el número de corbatas que aparecen en las fotos de los distintos diarios. ¡A veces hay más corbatas que páginas, incluso más corbatas que fotografías!
El índice de corbatas es muy revelador: indica de qué hablamos los diarios, qué sociedad describimos, qué mundos salen reflejados en nuestras páginas y qué otros mundos apenas salen.
Ignacio Escolar | Noviembre 8, 2005 10:52 AM
ya se sabía que las noticias de 20 minutos son flojitas pero después de semejante estudio, digno de matías prats en A3, no me queda duda: más de uno se aburre en esa redacción.......
Como diría Gomaespuma, ¡otro supernotición que te cagas!.
Pues a mi no me parece tan mal. Durante un tiempo me dediqué a ver cuántos articulistas de opinión hablaban de google o al lado de qué noticias situaban determinada publicidad. La Cope tenía un eslógan de Cajamadrid que era brutal: "Nuestro enemigo es fuerte pero nosotros somos más".
Por mi profesion y mi historia, ver a hombres de traje y corbata en vivo y en directo me saca un poco de onda. Me parece que pertenecen a una esfera muy diferente a la mia (no necesariamente mas alta, pero si que es otra bastante incomprensible, igual que yo les resulto incomprensible a ellos): es casi como ver de cerca a un nativo de Nueva Guinea, de esos que hasta hace unas decadas todavia se comian a la gente. No es tan gratuito llamar la atencion sobre cosillas asi, las corbatas dicen mucho.
Pues a mí me parece un dato muy significativo.
Joer con tu padre Nacho...
Solo diré que desde que voy a la universidad (dos meses, no mucho), la primera clase me la salto leyendo el 20 Minutos. Me impacta tanto respecto de los otros periodicos como el noticiario de anoche de Gabilondo respecto del resto de noticiarios televisivos. No tienen nada que ver una cosa con la otra, que conste (al menos eso me consta a mi). No obstante, del mismo modo me impacta lo que suele decir Arsenio Escolar respecto de lo que dicen el resto de directores de periodicos...
Y me gusta ese estilo de periodismo (me refiero al de 20 Minutos).
actitud degenerada por la profesion, yo miraba al techo, y clasificaba,luz, aire, detectores,etc.
corbatas y detectores de incendios, van +/- unidos.
ver solo corbatas, es como ponerse la vacuna contra comentarios y comentadores. yo pienso de una manera, y si me dan una buena esplicacion logica, podre cambiar o no. si las cobatas son a capazos, dejaré de ver corbatas.
ladies go a stealing (from an alleged criminal organisation)
Just got my pictures back from the Scottish trip. They’re on my mac homepage if you want to see them all.
The Female Talent squints at the director; because she is bent over, she must squint upside down and through her legs.
IÒm so glad I still had the best part of a bike in a bin liner in the shed.
Yikes! I'll need every secret key I've got to jimmy my way out of that one.
I had to ask myself if I could get used to a life like that. How much *exactly* did it bother me that He was not only serving Himself, but serving ME also?
you mentioning the Instead Cup, and was hoping you
I notice, btw, that we refer to these as ÑfreeÒ CDs but the magazines theyÒre ÑfreeÒ with cost nearly four quid eachÅ
Hanna was just talking about my tooth fairy story and then last night Apoa announced that she too had been experimenting with the tooth fairy.
PS Equally irrationally, I also feel sad when the machine at the gym doesn’t say ‘great workout!’ when I’m finished.
PS Please, someone, find a home for Robbie in Oxford. I canÒt bear what that bus trip is doing to him.
Cre(a)mola Foam found as far south as Sheffield? I thought it was an experiment on us Scots only. So did they have the poll tax in Sheffield too?
Any particular reason you'd want to fly to San Francisco? IIRC, Swingers is set in Los Angeles.
and i figured that was what the ropes were for. to stop me squirming away when the body odour hit.
She pulls out the garment tag and reads it. "This is for babies," she scowls. She unbuttons the skirt, slides it on, and it fits.
and he started to come, bucking and thrusting me about in my bonds, the satin sheets complicit.
I've put off this post because it's long and overwhelming. In the porn world, sex infiltrates every offshoot of your life. It takes that kind of infestation for the magnificence to wear off.
Don't take your next California road trip without it! This is the tiny version of the big book listed below, but with some of the more popular names. (*****)
Just been listening to the new album on their website and it sounds just as good.
George Bush is an Islamic fundamentalist (obviously)
I am officially a Ñlanguage nerdÒ. It says so here and further evidence comes from my being fascinated by the discussion of *(Å) which began with this posting to LINGUIST
I forgot to mention that Donald Davidson also climbed mountains and wrote radio plays (some of which featured Edward G. Robinson). I wonder what heÒd have made of The Dark House?
i have been writing up a fierce storm to the echoing applause of silent rejections (at least send a note, people). and i have been making leaps and bounds in therapy.
I finally got round to posting about it on London Language today and found Mai had beaten me to it. I then discovered that the language nerds of the world are all linking to it.
Hope youÒre enjoying Berlin. I enjoyed the night out last week and taking part in the Laurel and Hardy sketch on Saturday morning.
Even with acceptance that it's not my right to have it, that He can and will spill it elsewhere just to drive that fact home, it still hurts.
Typically, Master is not aroused during punishment. However, He is a sadist, He was hurting me, I was naked and squirming and moaning. He wanted to fuck.
From a legal perspective, the policeman is correct. Intent is a rather important concept in law.
I would think butt sex would be more popular, seeing as how it's the one thing at which little peckers excel.
The Female Talent turns around. Her back is now facing the camera.
Finally, in my Try This at Home mailbag, I listen to one man's defense for why marijuana is the best sex drug of all time. Conflicting testimonies, anyone?
Too much information I am sure. I cannot seem to keep it simple. As long as these answers are....this is the edited version.
i stood there in my bra, my limbs tied, my mouth taped, my clothes taped, and i waited with more than a passing interest to see what would happen next.
I acknowledge that bagels are comparatively rare outside the U.S. and Canada, but if you can get them that will make the experience even better.
he eventually made his way to safety, and clung to the wall, looking at me, glaring, demanding apology.
they were devious cunts, and they went outside the rules.
And then I do think the toybox got flipped over during the move.
charges insists on blaming her emotional imbalances on "having a bad childhood."
Doctor Who takes three prizes at the National Television Awards in a repeat of its success last year...